12 Phrases to Defend Against Manipulators Without Losing Your Mind

  • Grow your self esteem and conversational power 
  • 12 phrases to never be manipulated again
  • See clear through narcissists' games and maneuvers
  • Discover how to better protect your life
  • Special Access to my personal vault of hypnotic tracks


    Most Adults Over 25 Years Old Have Suffered from Manipulation at Least One Time in their Lives

    It always starts with this one person you thought could be trusted.

    It may have been a coworker, a friend, a romantic partner,

    Or someone you admired and wanted to learn from.

    In the beginning, it felt reassuring, comforting, and stimulating to be around them.

    But as the months and years passed, he started to change…

    Subtle (but mean) comments or remarks about your work, attitude, behavior, or decisions…

    It’s like whatever you do, it’s never enough…

    No matter how hard you try to please or impress them, they’re always “above” you somehow.

    And if you start to argue and refute, they will play at hitting your emotional buttons.

    They may say something about your looks, your lack of determination, your bad mood, or your “low self-esteem”.

    Anything sensitive or vulnerable you hold inside… THEY WILL USE IT AGAINST YOU!

    If you have been manipulated by a narcissist, it can be hard to trust anyone again.

    It can be tough to open yourself again. And you may even lose faith in humanity.

    But if you ever felt like this, please understand it is not the end, and you are not alone.

    We are all more or less vulnerable at certain stages of our lives.

    Transitions, losses, and life swings can put us in difficult emotional positions.

    This is specifically what a narcissist is looking for:

    Somebody vulnerable that he/she can manipulate and bend to his will.


    If you are facing a manipulator in your life right now, or if you want to be prepared to face future ones, never, ever, EVER argue.

    Arguing with a narcissist is like being arrested:

    Everything you say will be used against you as evidence.

    Instead, the solution is to cancel their Frame directly.

    This is accomplished through twisting your phrases in a specific way few people do effectively.

    You see, most people, when facing a manipulator, focus only on the words:

    But words are Only the END of the matter

    The real issue lies in the Implied Frames Manipulators get you trapped into unconsciously.

    If you reply to them while staying into their Frame, you’re done. Plain and Simple.

    The best way to get rid of them is to cut them at the roots.

    It’s a simple mental twist you do with your brain just before answering them.

    I will give you 12 examples of phrases that can cancel a narcissist’s frame in a minute…

    But more importantly, you need to understand WHY those phrases work.

    That way, you can improvise your own during any tough conversation.

    You will learn about the hidden psychology of manipulators:

    - Why do they do what they do?

    - Why do they actually crave your love, admiration, or emotional support?

    - And why they can’t live without someone like you 

    - You will discover why they often feel miserable inside when you’re not there,

    - And how to stop appearing like an “easy target” in their eyes.

    All of that without losing your temper or overreacting in any way.

    A New World Opening Up For YOU

    Once you can defend yourself against manipulators, your language and tonality change.

    Your nonverbal behavior seems more assertive.

    People become compelled to treat you with respect and authenticity.

    When you speak, they listen!

    You become able to see clearly through the games manipulative people try to play with you.

    You start being more valued for your opinions, ideas, and desires at work and in life.

    As the months go by, your self-esteem grows stronger,

    And you even start wishing things from life you never thought could be accomplished before.

    What's Inside?

    Lesson 1: From Sheep to Unshakable Leader

    • How to better understand your emotions and your instincts
    • Discover how your instincts can actually alert you at any time
    • How to calm your mind when you face a verbal confrontation
    • Analyze which type of person or situation you’re more vulnerable against (and why)
    • The 7 beliefs and attitudes of people with High Self-Esteem

    Lesson 2: The Psychology of a Manipulator/Narcissist

    • Why do narcissists act the way they do? What are they looking for?
    • The hidden truth that can make any manipulator defenseless against you
    • Which life path can lead someone to become a narcissist?
    • How to NOT become a narcissist if you face the same path
    • The main emotions a Narcissist will try to trigger inside to control you
    • How to spot a manipulative speech or comment in an instant with 100% accuracy
    • 7 Manipulative phrases you will always hear from a Narcissist’s mouth

    Lesson 3: Secrets of the "Enough" Frame

    • How to discover your current unconscious boundaries
    • How your boundaries can actually play against you
    • How to figure out and set healthier/better boundaries for your relationships
    • How to get out of manipulative schemes, and cut roots with toxic people in your life?

    Lesson 4: 12 Magical Phrases to Defend Against Anyone Verbally

    • How to get out of “arguing” before it even starts?
    • The difference between “arguing” and “canceling a manipulative frame”
    • Secrets of “Outframing”: The art of distancing yourself during a conversation
    • How to end an irrelevant argument with One Simple Line
    • Explanations and breakdown of each of the 12 phrases one by one.

    Lesson 5: Hypnotic Track to Heal Your Relationships

    • One Special Hypnotic Track made to heal any emotional baggage you may hold inside
    • How to detach yourself emotionally from the fascination a manipulator may cause in yourself
    • How to consolidate better self-esteem so that you become immune to manipulators of any sort
    • Recover from past trauma and differentiate healthy relationships from toxic ones


    • Matteo's Private Vault of Hypnotic Tracks
    • All the Slides used in the course are Included for download



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