The 5 Best NLP Techniques to Shape a New Identity in One Session

  • I will put all my resources at your disposal
  • 5 Techniques to Unlock a New Sense of Identity
  • How to make any NLP Session work faster
  • Help more clients and get more referral
  • Bring deeper changes by reframing emotional blockages


    I know how frustrating it is...

    To read so many books, to think you have found the hidden gem every time you encounter some new NLP Technique.

    But you try it once, twice, maybe even 3 times...

    And nothing changes.

    Your client doesn’t get any “life-changing” breakthrough.

    Pretty soon, you might even get disappointed and think NLP just won’t work for you.

    You think you miss something to make people change easily, but you’re not sure what it is.

    On the other side, top-level coaches can say any random joke, and change their clients’ lives forever.

    At this phase, aspiring coaches usually look for more NLP techniques and more NLP books,

    But it only ends up in massive procrastination, caused by the overload.

    They don’t need “more” though (And neither do you)

    If your clients keep ruminating on the same thoughts and blockages forever,

    It means you’re not shooting at the right target.

    The goal is not to teach them new things, but to change their sense of Identity from the Inside.


    Complete Identity Change

    I have selected the best set of NLP techniques to change one’s sense of identity. They are used in a specific sequence to guarantee the maximum level of change. Once you get more advanced, you can alter the sequence and mix steps as you wish. But in the beginning, follow them in order and you will guarantee a very powerful change for any client.

    An "Identity Architect"

    You already know all the "techniques" you need anyway. The goal of this course is to follow it as if you were the patient yourself. You will realize how easily your sense of identity can upgrade to a whole new level. Once you experience the change yourself, you will see how rapidly you can unlock deep mental blockages in anyone, no matter how stuck they think they are.

    No More Struggles

    If you struggle as a coach, it is often because you’re wasting time arguing with the “content” of your clients’ experience. You may think they need to “understand” consciously why they're stuck. But you will advance way faster if you act upon their perception of “who they are”. That way, changes will appear by themselves, without more effort on your part.


    Robert Dilts made popular the Pyramid of Logical Levels,

    He argued the beliefs and inner narratives linked with someone’s Identity could provoke the deepest changes.

    If you target your client's identity directly, they will unlock a new level of change immediately.

    A 5-Step Process that Changes all their Limitations at Once.

    The Life Change will be instant. They will reflect on aspects of their lives they had never touched upon so far.

    During the next few days, they may take one important decision or quantum leap that used to seem impossible.

    They may distance themselves from the toxic relationships they could never put an end to in the past,

    Or they could finally leave the job that used to make them suffer so much.

    Changing someone’s Identity is a tricky power

    I trust you will use this knowledge responsively.

    When you know which leverages to press, you unlock the keys of their entire life.

    The changes will be more profound, but can also cause more damage if you don’t listen carefully to their real wishes and aspirations.

    If you follow these steps one by one, you will create the building blocks that safely ensures their mind will evolve smoothly even after the session is over.

    What's Inside?


    • Why an Identity shift works faster than any other change
    • The ONE specific criteria that will let you know the change worked
    • Why people tend to stay stuck in the same place despite knowing the right techniques

    Technique 1: The Timeless Brain

    • How to cut through the chase and identify immediately the deeper change they need
    • 3-Minute Visualization trick that unlocks any Negative Identity Belief
    • How to identify which "excuses" or limitations to change, and which ones to dimiss

    Technique 2: Divide and Rule One's Mind

    • How Self-judgments and Negative Self-Image maintain people paralyzed
    • How the fear of loneliness can prevent people from changing (and how to change it)
    • 3 Simple Questions to fractionate any limitation and break it into simple parts
    • How to reframe parts in conflict without provoking any unwanted emotional response

    Technique 3: Tampering the Limbic Response

    • When you alter someone's Identity, you may trigger deep emotional reactions
    • How to tamper their reactions and make the change smooth without irritating them
    • 3 Secrets the Law of Attraction teaches us about the self fulfilling prophecy
    • Unlock all the negative anchors that used to keep them trapped in bad life conditions
    • How to transition from "Healing the past" to "Building a New future" (not automatic)

    Technique 4: Build the Stairway

    • 5 Minutes to build a new sense of capacity despite any lack of prior experience 
    • How to sharpen a powerful vision for WHO they are becoming
    • One Simple Hypnotic Question that will ground their Vision into the Physical Reality

    Technique 5: Saying "Hello" to a New World

    • How to End the Session with integrating all the aspects of their life together
    • Address all the potential concerns and self-doubt that may occur later
    • Install One Specific Anchor that will maintain the new changes and let them grow taller
    • Why our society often conditions us for failure, and how to remedy it?


    • Download all the slides and scripts used in this course
    • Access to my personal vault of hypnotic tracks



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