The Unlimited Language Patterns System:

Create an Instant Change in Anyone

  • Unlimited Language Machine to Change their Mind
  • Simple 3-Step to Improvise Language Patterns at will
  • Understand "Resistance" and why it's nothing scary
  • Help People Change Deeper Aspects of Themselves
  • Mastery Any Conversation on the Fly without thinking


    When your subjects don’t change or heal,

    It’s easier to blame them.

    You might say they’re stubborn, don’t listen to you, or are just “not receptive to hypnosis”.

    But deep down, you know there’s more to it.

    Any coach may start doubting himself when he doesn’t get results with his clients.

    Down the road, he may even be tempted to give up and look for another career.

    But he doesn’t clearly see what else he could do...

    On the other side, you hear coaches like Tony Robbins for whom everything seems simpler.

    Those guys seem to always have the answer to every possible issue.

    And they seem to constantly run unlimited ideas to transform the life of their clients.

    So what’s the catch?

    How could you train your brain so that is always generates unlimited suggestions and embedded commands to make people change easily?

    Well, keep reading...



    Free from the Pressure

    The problem always come more from the pressure you put on yourself for “having to deliver something”. Once that pressure is OFF (and you’ll see how to turn it off), your brain gets fresh air, can breathe more easily, and fires off more patterns without problems. If you can speak your home language, you already know enough to use those language patterns fluently. Guaranteed.

    Turns the focus outward

    You only get stuck in a conversation or session if you try to focus inward on what you should say next or how you should say this or that... Once your focus drifts back toward the problem of your client, your unconscious mind naturally connects the dots and figures out where the block is, and what to say to unlock it rapidly. No more overthinking

    New Semantic Structure 

    Your clients may suffer from different issues and problems, but the structure of how their mind works is always the same. By altering the semantic of your language, you can reframe any problem they have and make them find the solutions before the end of the session. Semantic structures work the same way in every human language on earth.



    Language Patterns work on everyone,

    Because the semantic structure of anyone's language is always the same.

    We may come from different cultures, backgrounds, and have different personalities;

    But we all use the same semantic structures to speak and talk about our problems.

    Once you alter the structure of their thoughts by altering your language, their will see their mind changing automatically.

    Right here

    You will discover the simplest language pattern setup you can use to change people’s thoughts.

    Automating a new language structure will obviously take a bit of practice.

    So, you can learn faster by using a sequence of patterns that has been designed specifically to accelerate psychological changes.

    This language pattern structure is made to create rapid shifts.

    It is not made to appear smart or bright.

    Many beginner hypnotherapists try to sound clever with that “new language they just learned”,

    Doing so, they miss the target because they lose the connection with their client’s mind.

    They end up worrying because they can see their client feels more and more confused,

    While nothing of what they say makes them feel any better.

    Back in the day,

    I was often trying to say overly complex and long sentences that only flattered my ego.

    But when I started simplifying my language,

    I got better results with my clients, because the ideas I was proposing were simpler;

    My suggestions were hitting their unconscious mind more easily.

    By using a simpler language structure, I had more space to think, and I could help my clients get better breakthroughs.

    Ideas that would always make them have one of those "Aha!" moments.

    If I can do it, you can do it too.

    What's Inside?

    Lesson 1: Opening Your Mind to Lead the Path

    • How to improve clarity and mental focus when you speak
    • How to clarify your thoughts so that your communication sounds sharper
    • How to detach from fears, past failures, and anything that may keep your head stuck
    • How to form a better outcome in your mind that will help you lead the conversation

    Lesson 2: The 5 Reasons why their Mind Resists

    • 5 Deep root causes that make people overreact, or stay stagnant in their lives 
    • How to tackle those causes without being brutal, sarcastic, mean, or negative
    • How to bypass their fears and past conditioning without having to argue with them
    • How to figure out what to say based on the main cause that keeps them stuck
    • Why language patterns are 10x easier to use once you understand their specific cause

    Lesson 3: The Unlimited-Patterns System

    • Breakdown of the 3 “language-blocks” that can be used for any type of suggestion
    • Why this system bypasses most of the traditional objections and resistance people hold
    • Mindset behind creating unlimited patterns, and why it’s never about “talking more”
    • How to say ONLY what they need, and stop there to let them reflect
    • How to calm yourself down to think more clearly during any session

    Lesson 4: Application of the System

    • Detailed breakdowns of the system used with various limitations and symptoms
    • Each Language pattern is broken down piece by piece, one step at a time
    • Explanation of how I build and think through those patterns in my head
    • Discover why you never really run out of things to say in a session (it's only an illusion)

    Lesson 5: Action Plan

    • Actions steps to use the system
    • Where to start and how to process the information quickly


    • Download all the slides and scripts used in this course
    • Access to my personal vault of hypnotic tracks



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