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Matteo Morelli


Whether you are a top-level CEO or an employee wanting to launch his own business, the same problems always arise: Lack of money, lack of motivation, lack of time, and lack of skills. But in the end, the only thing that separates you from the career of your dreams is the mastery you have over your own mind and internal states. With NLP, you can easily alter the way you feel to unleash more courage, motivation, and clarity about the steps needed for you. And from my experience, the steps you need are almost always the ones you're not thinking about right now!

Reconnect to Your Identity

Before envisioning a complete career shift, you need to get back in touch with who you are on the deepest levels. Reconnect to the passions and dreams you have left behind long ago, because you thought it was just impossible. Once it is done, we can start aligning your career choices and decisions with you were meant to become.

Master Your Internal States

Obviously, you're going to lack time, motivation and skills. All those things are only dependent on the mastery you have over your own states. If you're waiting to be motivated or inspired BEFORE taking action, it will never work. You can learn how to trigger those states at will, to always stay productive and stop procrastinating.

Transform Your Career

Once you know where you're going, and you have the tools to get there, it's only a matter or repetition and adaption, until those high level states become part of who you are. Up to the point where people naturally want to pay you more for what you're doing. You will make more money and spend more time with the people you love.

About Matteo

Like you, I have learned about NLP and tried to apply it to my life. But as many professional coaches and therapists discover it: It's not that easy to apply those techniques on yourself, as it is on your clients. When you're helping a client, you always have an outside perspective. When it's yourself, it's a whole different game. I had to learn by experimentation how to apply NLP on my own mind, without anybody to guide me, and figure out how to build the career I truly wanted with it.

What do they say ?

“I got a complete career transition in 2 months”

“My client completely changed his life”

You’re the only person on the internet doing this”

“there’s not many people teaching this at all”

“I had my first paying client in 30 days”

“All the worries I had with my clients were gone”

“I had this massive transformation…”

Gave me the confidence to do things I wouldn’t have done before”

“I developed unshakable confidence, no matter the client”

“I found myself relaxing where I would have been anxious”

“I’ve been able to recognize her limiting beliefs right away”

“I had breakthroughs I’ve never had during my NLP training”

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