Covert hypnosis and NLP techniques have probably fascinated you for a while now, or at least triggered your curiosity.
But despite all the techniques you’ve learnt so far, there is still a missing piece. Something about the mindset behind the techniques.
Something that dictates if you’re going to be successful when using them… or not.
You are already using covert NLP!
Wait… What?
Yes, you’re already using it. Whether you know it or not. I know you keep reading about all these fancy terms going on in the NLP world, making you think there is some deep forbidden secret to learn:
- Covert NLP
- Secret covert influence
- Hypnotic mind control
- Mega-super-alien-apocalypse-brain-manipulation…
No matter how it’s called, all these fancy terms are all describing the same thing. Something damn simple:
This art of getting what you want by using language skills was there long before the English language was invented; and will still be there after its disappearance. When I say you’re already using it, I mean that you have obviously attempted already to persuade people in your life.
Maybe you tried to negotiate with this shoe seller. Maybe you tried to get a date with that girl who always ignored you. There’s always a situation in which you are attempting to get something from somebody despite some resistance from them. However, if you’re here today, it means you are not yet as good as you wish at using that skill.
Why is it called “covert” hypnotic language?
Every time you open your mouth and pronounce words with the intention of persuading somebody, you are using covert NLP somehow. But what makes it “covert” instead of “overt”?
Very simple.
An “overt” influence would be like:
– “I want you to sign this contract today and accept to give me more money”
A “covert” influence would be like:
– “I understand you’re having financial struggles… And it reminds me of a story… Let me share it with you…”
If the person you’re talking to is already perceiving you as a high source of authority, or if they deeply trust you, then the “overt” method may be more than enough to get what you want.
But let’s be honest, in most situations where you want to persuade, you don’t have that level of credibility or trust with people. When you’re knocking on doors trying to sell something, people don’t know you…
When you get a new client as a coach or therapist, you’re not Tony Robbins and people don’t give you that level of credibility.
Therefore, using hidden language will allow you to bypass that lack of social proof or trust you may not have earned yet. By using covert hypnosis language, you can achieve a level of influence that should be inaccessible to you at this point.
The simplest way of using covert NLP
I know there are tons and tons of complex and weird terms within the field of NLP. But to make it simple:
If people don’t give you credibility and trust, it basically means they will resist what you say at some point. Either they will look for a counter argument to dispute what you say, or they will keep shaking their head to say “No”, or maybe they will try to explain to you why you’re an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
All these cool behaviors that you love (Yes, I know…) can be called “resistance”. When people resist, then trying to use more overt influence will just make things worse.
– “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
– “Yes I do, and you should obey me!”
– “No I don’t want to listen!”
– “Yes you will because I deserve respect!”
This type of influence never really works. If you have kids, you know what I’m talking about… However, that’s how most people communicate when they want to get something.
By pushing harder against the other person, as if it were an opponent to fight. But if you’re looking for an enemy, guess what: you will FIND an enemy.
My philosophy when using covert hypnosis is more like “educating a child”. Whenever people are trying to push against me, I only stop and picture them as a young child who is waiting to be educated.
That’s what makes me patient and creative, instead of angry and tense like most people are during a verbal disagreement.
By seeing resistant people as nothing more than children to educate, you will unleash a lot more creative power in your brain to find better language tactics.
How to make sure covert NLP will work for you?
Now, if it is that simple, then why you didn’t already have the success you want? After all, you have probably read already about:
- Embedded commands
- Hypnotic stories
- Pacing and leading
And all those famous techniques.
But there is a simple rule to make them work, that beginners seem to never get right:
Imagine you want to use certain hypnotic phrases to convince your client to change during a therapy session. Phrases like:
– “I’m wondering how easy it would be for you to let go of that fear today”
– “Isn’t it more enjoyable to imagine yourself being confident and assertive in the way you want as I speak to both of you right now”
If your client can perceive that you only listened briefly to what they said, just waiting for your turn to speak to show how clever you are with your hypnotic language, then it’s already lost.
When people are resisting the change you want to produce inside them, it means they either don’t trust you, are scared to change their limitation, or both.
Therefore, your success will explode by showing more appreciation and more empathy for their fears and limitations. Even when people are using stupid and nonsense arguments to explain why they won’t be able to change.
Show respect and appreciation for it. Explain that you understand why they think and act like that and that it is completely legitimate to do so. And THEN only you can jump on some hypnotic command or story that will target their subconscious mind.
3 Rules to use covert NLP successfully
So far, we’ve talked more about the mindset behind the techniques. The mindset that will make them work. But what about actual tools and tricks you can use very soon to hypnotize covertly your grandma and her cats?
1) Hide your persuasive language within questions
Questions are always more powerful than statements.
Statements are trying to assert a truth, no matter that the other person wants to believe it or not. Whereas questions are indirectly compelling your listener to find more reasons within himself to believe you.
There are many clever ways to use covert NLP questions to persuade. But for now, here is a very simple and easy one: Whenever you want to change the direction of their thoughts, ask 2 questions before you do so.
Let’s say you are debating about meat-based diet vs vegan-based diet. Instead of saying “Vegan diet is the best and you’re wrong”, start by asking 2 soft questions. For example:
– “Can I ask you how you have learned about the benefits of meat?”
– “Oh, that’s interesting. And do you know how those scientists have conducted their studies?”
By “soft” questions, I mean questions that are not attacking in any way the beliefs of the other person. But instead, questions that are aimed at better understanding them.
Only once you have carefully listened to the answers, you can start changing the direction of their thoughts by using hypnotic language:
– “So, your point of view is very interesting, and my opinion is different from yours somehow… and after I exposed you certain facts you may start to reconsider slightly your position… Here they are…”
For the NLP nerds like me: You can notice in that example the use of pacing and leading, plus the post-hypnotic suggestion highlighted by the temporal predicate “After”.
2) Start by disguising your language in the way they want
If you interact with somebody who doesn’t know you or doesn’t deeply trust you yet, always start by telling them what they want to hear.
Start by explaining why you agree with them. Refer to stories detailing how you respect people like them. And even speak like them. If they are highly energetic and excited, act as if you had just taken Adderall. If they are terribly slow and like to take time before answering, then take your old Santa voice before bed, and slow down.
In the beginning of the conversation, you are their mirror, you tell them what they want to hear. It’s only once they see you as a friend that you can start using hypnotic words and stories that will make them change their mind drastically.
3) Once they follow you, use less and less indirect language
Finally, indirect persuasion is only necessary when there is some resistance, anger or fear against the idea you want them to believe.
But once they start to agree with you and to enjoy what you’re talking about; once they look at you, their eyes wide open with that sense of curiosity, then stop playing it soft, and play it strong.
Start to use assertive and commanding language. Play it like Gerard Butler in the movie 300, be authoritative. Start to use phrases like:
– And the reason why you are going to agree with me now is…
– And since I know what’s right for you, I’m telling you to…
– You are going to… right now
A common mistake with beginners in NLP is that they keep building rapport forever. Once rapport is there, no need to build it more, start being assertive and authoritative with your commands and suggestions. People will change much more rapidly that way.
Covert Hypnosis Tutorial
Let me offer you a 50+ page manual detailing everything you need to influence anybody at will, whenever you want.
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