Mind Titans Courses

11 NLP Power Strategies for Effective Coaching and Leadership

Get more alignment and more success in your career as a coach.

 Those 11 Strategies have been selected based on what created the biggest psychological breakthroughs in my life and the one of my clients.

You will get a shortcut to learn only what is essential from the realm of NLP, and dismiss a lot of the fluff that is not essential to make your clients (or yourself) change effectively.

NEO-IDENTITY METHOD: 5 Best NLP Techniques to Shape a New Identity

Robert Dilts made popular the Pyramid of Logical Levels, putting into light the importance of shaping congruent beliefs around your sense of self. 

Although this concept is well know, the specific techniques to make somebody evolve from an identity perspective without creating inner conflicts are not always used correctly.

Learn how to help your clients shape a clearer and more powerful future by integrating all the parts of themselves into a deeper change.

The Ultimate System to Master NLP Language Patterns in 12mn Per Day

Most people who read NLP books and try to use Language Patterns in conversations end up more confused after each book.

Learn how to organize the NLP Language Patterns you are learning about, and how to use them in a real conversation with a simple 12-minute mental workout that will make you fluent with it in less than a few months.

The Neo-Eyes Method: How to Hypnotize Them by a Simple Look?

You may be fascinated by the idea of making people go into a deep trance only by looking into their eye for a few seconds.

Many hypnotherapists struggle with keeping their mind clear and free of stress during a session. This method will teach you how to clear your mind and see through the limiting beliefs and "mental fog" of any client in a minute.

19 Pattern Interrupt Techniques to Hypnotize even the Most Resistant Clients

When a client is showing resistance, it is not that they don’t like you, are too stubborn, or want to prove you wrong by all means.

Your clients are not enemies, they are simply people who haven’t learned how to let go of their mental defenses.

Interrupting the pattern means that you help them break out of their self-destructive cycle.

30 Days to Master Covert Hypnosis

The biggest struggle when learning covert hypnosis is to find people to practice with. But it's also an excuse. Deep down, you are just worried about not being able to use it for real. And that's normal.

This program breaks down covert hypnosis into easy daily assignments to practice in your daily conversations, without the traditional pressure of having to charge people right away.

You will practice one technique at a time, until you become confident enough to hypnotize people verbally in any situation. No matter what the stakes are.

NLP EYE PATTERNS - How to Produce Magical Changes Without Speaking

Eye Accessing Cues are usually what NLP practitioners put on the side because they don't see the deeper value it holds. The point is not necessarily to say if someone is "Visual", "Auditory", or "Kinesthetic", but more to adapt your language as they talk about their mental representations. 

Learn how to use certain key language patterns that will make their mental representations change by penetrating their favorite sensory channel.


The Milton Model is one of the early foundations of hypnotic changes.

Whenever you want to suggest an idea aimed at the unconscious mind of your client, the Milton Model allows you to transform your language so that it naturally eases down people's emotional blockages without being harsh or confrontational.

This is the best language tool for beginner hypnotherapists who want to start developing their skills from scratch.

The NEW Belief-Change Accelerator

Many methods that talk about changing beliefs presuppose new beliefs must be "installed" by the coach directly, which can actually cause a lot more resistance.

This new method, in reverse, is based on getting back at the root cause for the existing limiting belief of your client, and to change the perception they have of this cause, so that a new positive belief can emerge by itself.

When it comes from their own mind, it won't be resisted.

10 Techniques to Become Instantly a Genius Hypnotherapist

Many beginners still think becoming successful as a hypnotist is all about "using the right script" or "memorizing the right metaphors and embedded commands".

But every technique (even the simplest ones) will be enough once you hold the identity of a successful hypnotherapist. 

Once your identity has been reshaped correctly, you will have full confidence in your skills every time you hypnotize somebody.

Unlimited Language Patterns System

Discover the most effective language structure I personally use whenever I want a client to experience a positive change.

Whether you want to be more articulate and persuasive in your coaching career, in sales, or in during a date, you will see how your language can target the unconscious spheres in your listeners every time you speak.

7 Steps to Hypnotize Someone

Without Them Knowing

"Hypnotizing people" is a concept that has been fascinating people for hundreds of years. However, putting someone in a trance refer to things that are not necessarily clear when you watch traditional hypnosis shows

With this method, you will discover why a "hypnotic trance" is not what you thought, and how to induce covert changes in people easily by shifting their state rapidly.

12 Phrases to Defend Against Manipulators Without Losing Your Mind

Discover how to spot hidden manipulators, narcissists, and toxic people around you.

Learn how they speak, why do they do what they do, and how to protect yourself against them verbally at any time.

You will develop healthier boundaries and better relationships at work, as well as in your private life. 

The New Nested Loops Method for Advanced Hypnotherapists

Nested Loops are the final trick that makes all your hypnotic stories more powerful and impactful.

No matter that your clients resist too much during a session, or that you would like to be more inspirational, compelling, and authoritative when you speak, this is a technique to add to your toolbox as fast as possible.

3 NEW Sleight of Mouth Combinations to Resolve Verbal Confrontations Easily

A verbal conflict is always the mirror of a lack of understanding. Either about yourself or about the person you are having a dialogue with.

By using certain key combinations of 3 Sleight of Mouth patterns together, you can influence the mind of anyone listening to you.

You are overloading their conscious defenses by leading their mind with a set of 3 patterns. This skill will make you more influential in your career and life in general.

Covert Hypnosis Mastery Pack

Special Pack of the best courses on Covert Hypnosis and NLP. These courses will not only teach you the techniques while removing the unnecessary fluff you don't need.

But they will also shift your perception and transform your ability to think in a persuasive way whenever you hypnotize and influence others.

The Bold Hypnotist

More techniques? No. More certification? No.

You need something else. To become the kind of person who naturally influences people and makes money with his skills, you need a complete identity shift.

This program is about transforming your career to become a professional coach or therapist. Someone who is naturally influential from the moment he starts talking. Instead of somebody who "uses NLP techniques"

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